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Bible Video: An Angel announces the birth of Jesus to the Shepherds

Scripture: Luke 2:8-14


The main industry in Bethlehem, around the birth of Jesus, was agriculture and sheep herding. On the night of Jesus’ birth, an angel appeared to shepherds who were taking care of their flocks. They were “sore afraid” and the angel told them to “fear not”. The angel also told them, “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” Bethlehem was called the “city of David” because David, the great Old Testament king, was born there.

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More About this Video (continued from above)

Then, suddenly, the shepherds could see many angels who all praised God and together said, “glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men”. Jesus came to earth and would bring peace and goodwill toward all men and women. In our lives, if we believe in Jesus and follow His teachings, there will be more peace on earth and people will be more kind and love for all will deepen. Oh how the world needs the message of Jesus’ birth in our day. Our hearts yearn for more peace on earth and more goodwill toward men.

What an amazing event for the shepherds to see an angel and then see hosts of angels praising God and telling them of the birth of Jesus. The shepherds were humble and perhaps one of the reasons they were told about the birth of Jesus was because they would be likely to share the message with all people of the city. As it says in Luke 2, “they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child”. See more videos about the Jesus’ life.